Novels & Fiction
Monster of Men
- Details
- Written by Patrick Ness
- Hits: 1817

The book "Monster of Men" is a novel written by "Patrick Ness", which was first published in 2010. Three armies are prepared for battle: one controlled by the jovial but charismatic mayor; the second under the supervision of a terrorist with Machiavellian thoughts named "Lady Quill"; and the third under the command of "Sky", the leader of an indigenous people with amazing powers.
Todd and Viola, meanwhile, are gaining more power and are faced with a range of complex and difficult moral decisions; Decisions, any of which may lead to total destruction. Now Todd and Viola, who are trying to overcome their anger, hatred and fear, must find a way to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.
About the constant chaos series
In this book, you enter a strange world, in this world there is nothing but sound, nothing but the endless voices of men and things that come towards you and come and come; It all started during the war, the spocks spread the sound germ, the germ that killed half the men and every single woman. In the world of this book, there are no women left and all men can hear each other's thoughts. This book is the story of a 13-year-old boy named Todd. In this city, the mayor makes strange decisions. He burned all the books and after that he banned literacy.
In the book The Monster of Existence, the third volume of this series, we read that a great war breaks out between the two sides of this story. Todd grows up in the throes of this war. In the end, we read which side will win and will normal life and peace return to the city of Todd and a new world will begin?
To whom do we recommend reading the series of constant chaos?
We recommend this book to all teenagers who are interested in exciting stories.
Part of the book The Monster of Existence
The attack is sudden. The leader of Spackles, who introduces himself as Aseman, welcomes us...
But suddenly another person runs towards him, a heavy, shiny and terrible stone sword is in his hand...
And he wants to kill the sky...
He wants to kill his leader...
This is what happens in peace talks...
Aseman turns, sees Spackle coming towards him with a sword in his hand and reaches out to stop him...
But the spackle of the sword easily passes by him...
He passes by and runs towards me and Bradley...
runs towards me...
"Viola!" I hear Bradley yell.
And he turns Anharad to put himself between us, but they are at least two steps behind...
And the space between me and the running Spackle is empty...
And I fall from the legs of the oak...
Balut says: Girl ball!
And I'm falling on the ground from behind...
And there is no chance...
Spackle arrived to me...
He raised his sword...
I raise my hands in a futile attempt to protect myself...
The sword does not land.
The sword does not land.
I look up.
Spackle is staring at my arm.
My sleeve is up and my bandage is off and I'm down and he's staring at the tape on my arm...
Red, infectious and unhealthy tape with the number 1391 engraved on it...
And then I'll see...
There is a scar in the middle of his arm as terrible as mine...
The tape on which it is written 1017...
And this is Todd Spackle, the one who saved him from the mayor's genocide in the monastery. He also has a tape in his hand, which is also infected...
He is still in the middle of the strike, his sword is in the air, ready to strike but it doesn't land and he is staring at my arm...
And then a pair of hooves slam into his chest and throw him across the open field...