Novels & Fiction
- Details
- Written by Alex Haley
- Hits: 1965

The novel Roots, by Alex Haley, is considered one of the most wonderful and influential contemporary books. Through the story of a family - his own - Alex Haley has given life to the unforgettable and exemplary story of a character named Kunta Kinte and six generations after him. Many characters are involved in this novel: slaves and freed people, farmers and blacksmiths, lumber and railroad workers, lawyers and architects, and of course a writer.
In the novel Roots, Haley has done something much more than recounting the history of his family. As the first black American author who traced his ancestors back to the most distant generations, he has managed to reveal the past of about 25 million African Americans.
He spoke of a rich and very old culture that was brought to the point of complete destruction by slavery. But the novel Roots, in the end, does not address only blacks or whites, but all people of all races can benefit from the novel Roots, because the story of this novel is one of the best evidences in showing flexibility. Adaptability and resistance of humans in difficult and difficult conditions.